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School Emergency & Electronic Communications

In the event of an emergency, it is important that we have a direct and clear way to communicate accurate information to you. To accomplish this, there are several systems we have implemented to give you access to timely information. We ask that you utilize each of the following to ensure that we can reach you.

#1 - MASS COMMUNICATION EMERGENCY CONTACT SYSTEM. To provide our parents/guardians with greater flexibility and ease of use, the District uses a mass communication system to notify parents/guardians of important information. Parents/Guardians can easily setup their emergency contact preferences through the Skyward Family Access system. If you have questions about your Skyward Family Access account or password, please contact your school office.

#2 - THE DISTRICT FACEBOOK PAGE AND DISTRICT WEBSITE. In addition to the mass communication notification system, the District’s website and Facebook page may be used to disseminate information. You can reach the District’s website at https://www.hjt1.org . There is a direct link to the District’s Facebook page from the District’s website.  Look for the Facebook icon on the top of the page.  For easier access to District information, please “like” our page.

#3 - UPDATED EMAIL ADDRESS INFORMATION. It is necessary that we have up-to-date information so we can reach you with important information, District newsletters, school newsletters, and PTO newsletters. These publications are now sent out in electronic format but hard copies are available upon request. This information will be cross-referenced with the information we have in our Skyward Student Information system, and will supersede any previous information that was entered. The School District of Hartford Jt. 1 does not sell or share your information and will only be used to contact you for official school purposes.

Thank you for your efforts to help us keep all students safe and for supporting us in having a clear and accurate way to communicate with your family in the event of an emergency.

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