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Hartford Jt. 1 School District English Learner Program

Together, we take collective responsibility engaging students in language and content learning through our shared understanding that all students are language learners and all teachers are language teachers.

EL Handbook 24-25

We believe...

  • families are an integral part of the educational process.
  • meaningful family involvement includes communication with EL families.
  • culturally diverse opportunities build understanding with students, teachers, and the community.
  • in equitable services
  • positive learning environments foster learner risk taking.
  • inclusiveness is important for EL students to interact with English-speaking peers.
  • learner support is important to succeed with grade level age appropriate curriculum.


The School District of Hartford Jt. #1 has outlined goals in language development and academic success for English Learners. As the demographics of the community change, the District understands the need to promote cultural understanding.

English Language Development Goals:

  • Develop and maintain English Language Fluency competency in all domains of language: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking as outlined in WIDA Standards and Framework.
  • Develop and apply social and academic language in content areas.
  • Continue to develop instructional capacity in teaching content and language simultaneously.
  • Make efforts to attract, hire and retain qualified staff.
  • Continue to support meaningful family engagement.
  • Support and coach content teachers in best practices for ELs in the classroom.


Academic Instructional Goals:

  • Develop EL grade-level academic achievement goals.
  • Use assessment tools and grading practices that take into account the stages of language acquisition.
  • Utilize background knowledge to develop critical thinking skills.
  • Encourage participation in extra and co- curricular activities as integrated members of the school community.
  • Support the unique needs of families who are limited English proficient to promote engagement in their child’s education.
  • Recognize the level of cultural competency within the school community.


Cultural Competency Goals:

  • Value the cultural identity of all students.
  • Develop an awareness and understanding of American culture.
  • Develop an understanding of local diversity.
  • Recognize cultural competency within the community.


Family Engagement and Language Support Services
All parents play a crucial role in their child’s education. Hartford Joint #1 recognizes that parents of ELs may be in the process of adapting to a culturally and linguistically different environment.

How does a student qualify for the District's EL program?
In Wisconsin, the process for the EL program begins when a parent or guardian enrolls their child in the school and answers a Home Language Survey. If the survey indicates that English is not the student’s primary first language or another language besides English is spoken at home, then the student is tested for English language proficiency.

The District strives to meet programming needs of all students and provides the following supports to EL students:

  • Pull-out support: small group or individual intervention provides intense language instruction outside the classroom.
  • Push-in support: provides supplemental language support to help students understand classroom routines, expectations, and core content.
  • Team teaching: classroom teachers and the EL teacher work together to provide language support and core content simultaneously.

Marla Perfect
District EL Coordinator
262-673-3155 Ext. 4121


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